Racing Barn

The Racing-Barn serves as a special sanctuary for your budding champions. This dedicated space is where the excitement of sheep racing comes to life, serving as the training ground for your sheep in preparation for races and tournaments. Placing your sheep in the Racing-Barn opens doors to opportunities, allowing you to earn valuable rewards that await those brave enough to embrace the competition.

Once your sheep are comfortably settled in the barn, they automatically become participants in races. When your sheep participate in ticket races, they will earn MARD tokens, and Beanz races will let them earn Seasonal Beanz. Their performance in these races directly impacts the rewards they earn. For every race, a portion of the total bets placed by players on the game goes to the sheep as rewards. This share is determined by their rank in the race.

Here's a breakdown of how the 7% of wagers is distributed among the sheep:

  • 1st place: 50%

  • 2nd place: 25%

  • 3rd place: 15%

  • 4th and 5th place: 5% each

  • 6th to 8th place: 0%

Remember, to participate in races automatically, your sheep must be at least level 20 when placed in the Racing barn.

Loot Lane

Loot Lane is a key part of the Racing Barn, giving you an easy way to collect Seasonal Beanz even when you're not actively playing. Just place your sheep in Loot Lane, and over time, you'll see those Beanz stacking up without needing to constantly check in. This rate of Beanz accumulation is determined by the combined stats of the sheep currently racing in the lane, and you can easily keep track of it at the top of the page.

It operates in an AFK (Away From Keyboard) mode, making it a hassle-free addition to your gameplay. You'll get AFK rewards, plus the added bonus of random consumable item drops as a bonus for your efforts in raising your sheep. Keep in mind, if you don't swing by to claim your loot within 12 hours, it hits a time cap, and the rewards stop piling up. So, make sure you drop in regularly to keep the rewards flowing!

Guide: How to Place Sheep in Loot Lane

  1. Racing Barn Toggle: Make sure the toggle at the bottom of the page is set to Loot Lane to confirm you're in Loot Lane.

  2. Racing Barn Tray: On the left side of the screen, you'll find the Racing Barn Tray, which holds all your sheep placed in the Racing Barn. Each sheep's location is displayed here, allowing you to keep track of where they are.

  3. Adding Sheep: Click the plus button to directly add a new sheep to the racing barn.

  4. Drag and Drop: Once you've added your sheep, you can drag and drop them onto the track to place them in Loot Lane.

  5. Claim Rewards: As Seasonal Beanz accumulate, you can claim them by clicking the Claim button. There's a cap on how many Beanz you can accumulate, so remember to claim them regularly, or they won't continue to increase.

  6. Claim Drops: If a sheep displays an image of a reward drop, click directly on the item above the sheep's head. These pop-ups only appear for a limited time, so make sure to claim them quickly before they disappear.

  7. Remove Sheep: If you need to remove a sheep, simply drag and drop it from the track back into the Racing Barn tray on the left side.

Loot Lane Trials

Loot Lane isn't just about passively gathering Beanz—it's also a training ground for champions! The Loot Lane Trials are your sheep’s ticket to the big time, setting the stage for the much-coveted Arena races.

Journey Through the Trials

As your sheep dash through these trials, they won’t just gain experience—they'll also collect treasures that boost their capabilities and embellish your gameplay. These rewards are carefully designed to give your flock the edge they need as the stakes get higher.

By conquering the Loot Lane Trials, your sheep will be well-prepared for the thunderous excitement of Arena races. Here, the atmosphere buzzes with heightened competition and the rewards are as grand as the contest.


In the Arena, the second available area in the Racing Barn, you'll find a more dynamic player-versus-player (PvP) experience in contrast to the relaxed AFK environment of Loot Lane. Here, under the guidance of the passionate Race Manager, who was once renowned for raising lightning-fast racing champions, you'll engage in thrilling sheep races against fellow players. The Race Manager's extensive experience and inspiring racing stories will guide you on your journey to unlock your sheep's full potential, aiming for higher rankings and a chance at various rewards within the arena.

To join Arena races, you'll be paired with players of similar skill levels. If you want to explore different opponents, you can use Matchmaker Tickets as consumables to refresh your matchmaking options. Once you reach a certain point threshold, you'll have the opportunity to include more sheep in your participant group during matchmaking. This strategy increases your chances of winning as you compete against fewer opponents.

For those moments when time is of the essence, Race Skippers offer a convenient solution. With Race Skippers, you can bypass the race itself and instantly access the results, preserving the excitement without the need to watch the entire race unfold. It's a handy item that lets you stay engaged while managing your time efficiently in the Arena.

Arena Leagues

The Arena features three distinct leagues: the Normal League, exclusively for shepherds with normal rarity sheep, providing a level playing field for skill showcases; the Rare League, where only those with rare sheep are eligible, offering a heightened challenge; and the Unlimited League, open to shepherds of any sheep rarity, testing their skill against a diverse range of opponents. These leagues allow shepherds to compete with their preferred sheep rarity in an environment that best suits their skills and aspirations.

Points & Leaderboard

Participation in Arena races allows you to earn points that contribute to your ranking on the seasonal leaderboards. Climbing the ranks by accumulating points can lead to special rank rewards, but remember that these leaderboards reset at the end of each season.

Guide: How to Race Your Sheep in the Arena

  1. Racing Barn Toggle: Make sure the toggle at the bottom of the page is set to Arena to confirm that you're in the Arena.

  2. Racing Barn Tray: On the left side of the screen, you'll find the Racing Barn Tray, which holds all your sheep placed in the racing barn. Each sheep's location is displayed here, allowing you to keep track of where they are.

  3. Adding Sheep: Click the plus button to directly add a new sheep to the racing barn.

  4. Selecting a League: To choose your desired league, you'll need to toggle the league button between Normal, Rare, and Unlimited based on the rarity of sheep you want to enter and compete against.

  5. Drag and Drop: Once you've added your sheep and chosen your league, you can drag and drop them into the frame to add them to the race lineup.

  6. Match Button: After adding your sheep to lineup, click the "Match" button to proceed matching up with a group of opponents.

  7. Retry Matchmaking: If you wish to match with a new group, click the "Retry" button. This option consumes Matchmaker Tickets.

  8. Start Race: Finally, press the "Start" button. Now you're all set to watch your sheep compete in the Arena!

  9. Remove Sheep: If you need to remove a sheep, simply drag and drop it from the lineup back into the Racing Barn tray on the left side.

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